The Philippine Eagle

The Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), also known as the Monkey-eating Eagle, and is endemic to forests in the Philippines. It has brown and white-coloured plumage, and a shaggy crest, and generally measures 86 to 102 cm in length and weighs 4.7 to 8 kilograms. It is considered the largest of the extant eagles in the world in terms of length, with the Steller's Sea Eagle and the Harpy Eagle being larger in terms of weight and bulk. Among the rarest and most powerful birds in the world, it has been declared the Philippine national bird.

The male and female Philippine eagle is similar in appearance, possessing a creamy white belly and under wing, whilst the upper parts are a rich chocolate-brown, with a paler edge. The long feathers of the head and nape form a distinctive, shaggy crest and are creamy-buff in colour with black streaks.

Did You Know
            A recent study of the Philippine Eagle's DNA suggests that the bird has a unique evolutionary history. Its genetic sequence differs from those of other large eagles. Researchers from the University of Michigan analysed the DNA isolated from blood samples of the Philippine Eagle. The sequence was then compared to those of the Harpy Eagle, Crested Eagle, and the New Guinea Harpy Eagle. All three are related genetically but they are not closely related to the Philippine Eagle. These species were once believed to be closely related due to their similar sizes, habitat, and habits; however, these similarities are now believed to be the result of convergent evolution. It is actually believed that the closest relative to the Philippine Eagle may be the much smaller snake eagles.

Scientific Classification


Other Names

Monkey Eating Eagle
Aguila Comemonos

            The Philippine eagle is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the IUCN Red List, and listed on Appendix I of CITES


            During the most recent population survey (2006) the expected population 350 - 670 birds including young ones.

This eagle is found in dipterocarp and mid-montane forests, particularly in steep areas. Its elevation ranges from the lowlands to mountains of over 1,800 metres. It is estimated that only 9,220 square kilometres of old growth forest remains in the bird's range. However, its total estimated range is about 146,000 square kilometers.

            The Philippine Eagle is endemic to the Philippines and can be found on four major islands: eastern Luzon, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao. The largest number of eagles resides on Mindanao, with between 82 and 233 breeding pairs. Only six pairs are found on Samar, two on Leyte, and a few on Luzon. It can be found in Northern Sierra Madre National Park on Luzon and Mount Apo and Mount Kitanglad National Parks on Mindanao.

            The Philippine Eagle was known initially as the Philippine Monkey-Eating Eagle because it was believed to feed on monkeys (the only monkey native to the Philippines is the Philippine long-tailed macaque) almost exclusively; this has proven to be inaccurate. This may be due in part to the fact that the first examined specimen was found to have undigested pieces of a monkey in its stomach. Like most predators, the Philippine Eagle is an opportunist that takes prey based on its local level of abundance and ease. The Philippine Eagle is apex predator in its range. Prey specimens found at the eagle's nest have ranged in size from a small bat weighing 10 g to a Philippine deer weighing 14 kg.

            The species' flight is fast and agile, resembling the smaller hawks more than similar large birds of prey. Juveniles in play behaviour have been observed gripping knotholes in trees with their talons and, using its tail and wings for balance, inserting its head into a tree cavity. Additionally, they have been known to attack inanimate objects for practice as well as attempt to hang upside down to work on their balance. As the parents are not nearby when this occurs, it has been suggested that they do not play a role in teaching the juvenile to hunt. Life expectancy for a wild eagle is estimated to be anywhere from 30 to 60 years. A captive Philippine Eagle lived for 41 years in Rome Zoo, and it was already adult when it arrived at the zoo. However, it is believed that wild birds on average live shorter lives than captive birds.

            The female matures sexually at five years of age and the male at seven. Like most eagles, the Philippine Eagle is monogamous. Once paired, a couple remains together for the rest of their lives. If one dies, the remaining eagle often searches for a new mate to replace the one lost. The female typically lays one egg in the late afternoon or at dusk, although occasionally two have been reported. If an egg fails to hatch or the chick dies early, the parents will likely lay another egg the following year. Copulation may last a few days after the egg is laid to enable another egg to be laid should the first one fail. The egg is incubated for 58 to 68 days (typically 62 days) after being laid. Both sexes participate in the incubation, but the female does the majority of incubating during the day and all of it at night. Both sexes help feed the newly hatched eaglet. Additionally, the parents have been observed taking turns shielding the eaglet from the sun and rain until it is seven weeks old.

Forest destruction and fragmentation, through commercial timber extraction and shifting cultivation, is the principal long-term threat. Old-growth forest continues to be lost rapidly, such that as little as 9,220 kmsq may remain within the eagle's range. Moreover, most remaining lowland forest is leased to logging concessions. Mining applications pose an additional threat. Uncontrolled hunting (for food and, at least formerly, zoo exhibits and trade) is perhaps the most significant threat in the short term. Naive juvenile birds are easily shot or trapped, as are adults nesting near forest edges. Birds are also vulnerable to accidental capture in traps intended for wild pigs and deer, and there are several records of individuals caught in snares presumably whilst hunting on the forest floor. Pesticide accumulation is another potential but unproven threat which may reduce its already slow reproductive output.

Conservation Measures
            The Philippine eagle is protected by law in the Philippines and occurs in a number of protected areas; international trade and movement of this species is also restricted and controlled by CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). The Philippine Eagle Conservation Programme is working on educational campaigns, protecting and monitoring nests and a conservation breeding scheme; so far, two captive-bred chicks have been produced with the aim of reintroducing them to the wild. In addition, chicks and eggs have been taken from areas of habitat at risk in order to establish a viable captive population from which individuals can be reintroduced to the wild. Despite these efforts, however, should habitat loss and subsequent human settlement continue at the current rate it seems doubtful that this majestic species will ever recover.


Goliath Frog

The massive goliath frog (Conraua goliath), has greenish granular skin with a yellowish-orange underside, and the feet and hands are webbed. In a sample of 15 individuals, weights ranged between 600 grams and 3250 grams, and snout-vent lengths were between 17 and 32 cm. Their eyes can be nearly 2.5 cm in diameter. The conspicuous tympanum has a diameter of about 0.5 cm and is separated from the eye by about 5 cm in adults. The next largest extant anurans are the Cane toad, about a third smaller than the Goliath in the largest specimens, and the African bullfrog, which is just over half the size of the Goliath. Goliath frog eggs and tadpoles are about the same size as other frogs despite its very large adult form.

A lateral fold extends from the eye to the posterior portion of the tympanum. Toes are fully webbed, with large inter digital membranes extending down to the toe tips. The second toe is the longest. Dorsal coloration is green sienna, while the abdomen and ventral part of the limbs are yellow/orange. They have acute hearing but no vocal sac, and also lack nuptial pads.

 Did You Know
The goliath is the world's biggest frog with a body length of about one foot and weighing approximately 7 pounds! These frogs live in Western Africa along fast moving rivers that run through the rainforest.

Scientific Classification


Other Names

Goliath Frog
Grenouille Geante
Goliath Frosch

           The goliath frog is classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List.

           The IUCN sites goliath frogs as an endangered species because of a 50% decline in population size in the last three generations. The population studies been carried out and will be published soon. (Expected to be 1000 adults).

It lives in or near fast-flowing rivers and streams in rainforest, preferring warmer, slower rivers than Conraua robusta, though faster rivers than C. crassipes. It can survive in secondary habitats close to rivers, as well as in forest, but not in very heavily degraded areas (farm bush). Breeding occurs in streams and small rivers. The young rest by flowing water during the day.

        The world's largest frog is known only from south-western Cameroon from the region of Nkongsamba, and south to Monte Alen in mainland Equatorial Guinea. It is generally found at low to medium altitudes, below 1,000m asl.

Like most amphibians, water is vital for their reproduction. Because the goliath frog lacks a vocal sac, it does not produce mating calls, a behavior unusually absent among frogs and toads. Males construct spawning and breeding areas alongside and within rivers by pushing rocks into semicircular patterns. The egg masses consist of several hundred eggs, approximately 3.5 mm each, attached to vegetation at the bottom of rivers. Larval development takes between 85 and 95 days. Goliath tadpoles are vegetarian and feed on a single aquatic plant, Dicraeia warmingii, found only near waterfalls and rapids, which may help explain their restricted range. Adult goliath frogs feed on worms, and insects, such as dragonflies and locusts. They also eat smaller frogs, crabs, baby turtles, and young snakes. The goliath frog can live up to 15 years in the wild. In captivity, they can live up to 21 years. It is preyed upon by snakes, Nile crocodiles, and Nile monitors.

Much of the dense rainforest of the goliath frog's habitat has been deforested for timber and to make way for agriculture. The construction of dams also threatens the breeding habitat of these frogs and this species is particularly vulnerable to habitat alteration due to its highly restricted range. Additionally, goliath frogs are considered a delicacy and are collected by local people for food; their large size has also encouraged collection for the pet trade in the past.

Conservation Measures
The goliath frog is not currently protected under any trade restrictions and collection continues to threaten remaining populations. Captive breeding programmes have not proven successful and the only method of effectively preserving this amphibious giant is to safeguard areas of remaining habitat. It presumably occurs in several protected areas, and is confirmed from Monte Alen National Park in Equatorial Guinea. Measures are needed to work with local communities to manage the harvest at sustainable levels.


The Great Bamboo Lemur

         Prolemur simusis the largest of the bamboo lemurs. A dense olive-brown coat covers the rounded body, whilst the under parts and tail are grey-brown in colour with a russet tinge. As well as its large size, the greater bamboo lemur can be recognised by the prominent pale grey or white ear tufts. However, a recently discovered population of this species has a strikingly different deep golden-red coat, and no ear tufts. The blunt muzzles of bamboo lemurs give their faces a more rounded appearance than other members of the family. They have relatively long tails and long back legs for leaping vertically amongst the trees of their forest habitat.

Did You Know
            It is not known how the Greater Bamboo Lemur’s metabolism deals with the cyanide found in the bamboo shoots which is their only food, their typical daily dose would be enough to kill humans.

Size relative to a 6-ft human

Scientific Classification


Other Names

Broad-nosed Gentle Lemur, Greater Bamboo Lemur
Grand Hapalémur, Hapalémur Simien
Lemur Cariancho

          The Greater Bamboo Lemur is classified under Critically Endangered in the IUCN Redlist.

            On current evidence, this species may have the smallest population size of any lemur on the island. Only about 12 groups, totalling less than 100 individuals, have been documented in over 20 years of regional surveys. During 400 days of census work in Ranomafana, only three groups in total have been detected (with a maximum of 20 individuals confirmed).

            Greater bamboo lemurs are found in primary and degraded eastern humid forests of Madagascar, and are usually found in areas with large woody bamboo. Occasionally they are found in degraded habitats without bamboo. The range of forests in which they occur ranges from large protected areas down to small forest fragments. The newly discovered population at Torotorofotsy inhabit marshland, a new habitat type for the species. The greater bamboo lemur has been sighted at elevations ranging from 121 m to 1600 m (397.0 to 5249.3 ft).

            Sub fossil remains confirm that this species once had a widespread distribution in Madagascar that covered the northern, north-western, central and eastern portions of Madagascar. Today, the species has a much diminished range in the south-eastern and south-central rainforests of Madagascar and is estimated that P. simus now occupies only about 1-4% of its historical range, reported confirmed sightings of Greater Bamboo Lemurs in only 11 of 70 survey localities.

          This species is associated with forests abundant in giant bamboo. It subsists predominantly on bamboo, but its diet includes seven plant species representing three different families. In Ranomafana National Park, the bamboo Cathariostachys madagascariensis can account for as much as 95% of the diet, with shoots, young and mature leaves, and pith being consumed. Observations of wild populations and animals in captivity suggest that this species is cathemeral, active both during the day and at night throughout the year. They live in polygamous groups that can occupy home ranges of 40-60 ha or more. Mating begins in May or June, with infants typically born in October and November. Females usually give birth to a single young each year.

            The rainforests of Madagascar are being widely cleared by slash-and-burn techniques and this habitat destruction is one of the major threats to the survival of the greater bamboo lemur. Bamboo is also being cleared in some areas, and this lemur is targeted by hunters in other regions. The known range of the greater bamboo lemur is highly restricted and this implies further threats to survival.

Conservation Measures
            The greater bamboo lemur is protected within two areas in Madagascar, however, even within Ranomafana National Park the native trees are being exploited and this species is at risk. Further research into these little-known lemurs is urgently needed and more extensive surveys of the area may well reveal further isolated populations in need of protection.

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